Partner exercise to see the TRUE SELF in your Partner and vice versa


  1. Think of when you really feel or felt love for this person. What quality is apparent?



  1. What is the best that flows thru them? What do they do easily and effectively?




  1. What made you really love or care for them when you met them?



  1. What have others said they admire in this person?



  1. What have been the best times and how have they been at that time?



  1. When you think about them, what makes you smile?



  1. What about them touches your heart?



  1.  What makes you feel lucky or blessed?





  1. Think of examples in which this person did something for you and what quality were they demonstrating


  1. Think of examples of things that your partner is better at than you are.



  1. On another card, one side titled    ________IS:     and the other side titled ________  SEES ME AS:  write you closeness qualities for you partner on both sides. Hold this up between you when you are speaking in a “negotiation”.




