Three gifts to give all year round: SEEING, LOVING, GIVING

SEEING: Just be willing to See someone………Really see them without any filters about how we want to see them but as they are.  We all need to be Seen.  Unaware people will say to me about a child that is acting out; “They just want attention”.  And, I say to them: “That is correct, we all NEED attention and if a child is acting out, It is most likely because they have not been getting the attention that they need.

Then in seeing, we can then really listen to them. Can you imagine a better gift?

LOVING:  There is no better way to healing and wholeness than to open our hearts like a Christmas gift and just let our Heart Light shine. Our Wisdom tells us about good boundaries on our giving. Certainly, there is “no excuse for abuse”, and if loving someone is abusive, our Inner Knowing will tell us. And, as we see, listen and love, our giving and receiving become one.

GIVING: Everyone needs attention. This is like the seeing gift. But with this gift, we become willing to give the gift of our attention to the people that our heart tells us need our attention.  However, we must first attend to ourselves. We must be willing to attend to the Child within first. Some people give to others hoping the other will turn around and give back. This usually does not work. We must attend to our own needs first, meet them and this creates wholeness within. When we then can take wholeness into the world and help restore wholeness in our world, one gift of loving attention at a time.

These gifts, given all year round, will make 2017 a year of miracles that happen everyday.
