We all have a Fairy God Mother

I saw the movie, Cinderella yesterday with a dear friend who has often referred to me as Cinderella because of how Cinderella knew how to make her  deepest dreams come true. just by being herself.

I am  in the process of allowing my deepest dreams to be fulfilled as well. I have always believed in the magic of my dreams and I have had so many wonderful dreams come true that would have died in the shadow of my consciousness were it not for this deep knowing I have always had that dreams are meant to come true despite all appearances.

The reason I titled this blog, WE all have a fairy godmother, is that there are some deep truths in this magical story that  reveal the way to live consciously and therefore fulfill our purpose in life.  I have deep gratitude to the writers of the screen play for this movie. They were able to reveal these truths in a most beautiful way.


Here are some of these truths that I refer to.

Unconditional love by one’s parents.

First, Cinderella was loved fully and unconditionally by her parents.  They showed her in every way that she was good and worthy and that all of her needs were important. The love with which they parented her went deep within her heart, mind, soul and body. When she needed the presence of love, it was always there.

I believe that all parents (or at least most) would want to parent their children this way. However, a parent is only able to love this way if either of the following is met. First, if a parent was loved in this same way, then they automatically know how love their own children in this manner. If, they were not loved fully, but if this same parent has healed from any wounding they received from their parents, then they can also love their children unconditionally so that their children will blossom like Cinderella. This blog is not about how to heal from the wounding that is inflicted by unconscious parents. However, it is important to know that you can heal! ~

Self love or what to do if our parents were not able to love us unconditionally.

As one heals from the unconscious actions of those early caregivers whose actions made them feel “less than”, one can learn to love themselves unconditionally. It is the human condition that if one was not loved unconditionally by their parents, then the only person that can ever love them in this way is themselves.


What to do when we encounter those who are jealous of our own light because they have not chosen to discover their own light. 

The step-sisters and the step-mother represent those around us who do not want to connect with their own sense of goodness that is within them. When someone refuses to take the inner journey to re-connect with their own sense of goodness, their actions can be seen and experienced as truly evil. Evil actions are taken when one is unwilling to act from a sense of compassion and love that comes from within them. Cinderella survived the horrid abuse by continuing to see goodness around her especially in the form of the mice and the birds. These animals continued to remind her of her own goodness. And of course they played a mighty part in her own journey.

This is a journey that we all must take and initially and ideally, we have friends and maybe even enlightened family members that can be our cheer-leaders but we must be willing to take it and we can often feel completely and utterly alone.


Be Kind and have Courage

This is perhaps the most important thing to keep remembering when we have embarked on our journey to re-connect with ourselves. Cinderella received this supreme advice from her mother as her mother was about to die. Being kind enables us to have those good boundaries around our own fear, pain and shame so that we do not project it onto others. The willingness to be kind empowers us to take actions that will bless the world and when we do this, the blessings always come back. The source of the blessings may not be directly from the one we were kind to but they will always return. And, the admonition to have courage lets us keep on keeping on. Courage, often known as “heart-strength” shows us our next step on our own personal journey. All we ever need do is take our next step in our dream fulfillment. Again, and this is so important, “ALL WE EVER NEED DO IS TAKE OUR NEXT STEP”.

There is a myth that is called the ROOM OF A 1000 DEMONS.  The myth tells us that there is a room we all must enter to get to where we want to go to. The room will seem like it is filled with our worst fears made manifest. In order to truly be on our authentic path, we do need to enter this “room”. However, there are two things that will enable us to get through the room. First, we need to remember that the fears are not real although they will seem 100% real and second, to get through it, all we need do is keep our feet moving. That is, we need to keep taking our next step and when we take that one; we can take our next and so on and so forth. For me, I believe that this room represents the Shadow in our consciousness. And, we all need do is to enter it and acknowledge what has happened in our lives that made us feel we are less than. The best way to do this is to share our story with someone who will listen, be present and let us know we are not alone.  This person can be a friend who is also on their own journey, a minister or my favorite option is of course a therapist who has moved through the Room of 1000 demons.

And, we need to remember to keep moving our feet.



Fairy Godmother. The fairy Godmother may be the most important element that enables   Cinderella’s “fairy tale” to come true. It is the part of us that loves us just the way we need to be loved and she is within us.

Most, if not all people were not loved in exactly the way they needed to be loved. This is pure and simple without accusation for our early caretakers. In most cases they did the best they could based on their current level of awareness. And, there is deep within the heart and soul of every human on earth an awareness of how they need to be loved. The key is to simply connect with this part of us and begin to take the tiniest steps in alignment with how we need to be loved.  Our Fairy Godmother may have some of the characteristics of the ones who did show love to us. Some say, well, no one loved me. It is important to know that if we survived, there was an experience of love somehow or someway.  The love may be experienced in nature or with a quirky neighbor or a teacher or often the love may have been experienced in relationship with an animal. There is a picture of me when I was about 10 months old and our family dog, a black poodle is standing on her hind legs and pushing the carriage that I was in. Is it no wonder then that the way I experience deep love even today is around dogs and horses as well. When I add the Colorado Mountains, I am transported to a sense of perfect well-being.

The Ball

This is such a wonderful party of the story. The Ball represents more than one event; it represents the time in our soul’s journey when we are finally ready to show our gifts to the world. When we are ready to do, there will be opportunities to simply show up and be ourselves.

Cinderella, in the movie, showed up in such a way that her every movement was guided from within her. She was showing that she was ready to live her life from “inside out” rather than being jerked around by everyone outside of her.


The shoes

A most wonderful part of this story is represented by the shoes, the shoes that only fit Cinderella. Feet often represent our self-understanding. When we are ready to be who we are most authentically, we have finally realized that the only person we can truly be is ourselves.  We have gained new understanding about ourselves and at this moment, the shoes we wear will only fit us. Other people need to come to their own self understanding and then they will find their own shoes. The glass that they are made of simply reveals that Cinderella has nothing to hide. Her own inner light shines clearly through her actions, thoughts, words and deeds.



The Prince

The prince represents those people who have done their own inner work and will love us as we are. There comes a time in our lives, if we have done our own inner work, that we really only want to spend time with those who love us as we love them.  When someone arrives at this stage in their own journey, they know who loves them and who does not. In the end, she knew who her people were and she was able to completely release the step-family that had always been jealous of her.


When all seems lost:  Sing

Singing is a way to release our pain and it also represents the awareness that nothing is ever lost. In the movie, when the slipper was being offered to all the maidens in the land and it looked like Cinderella was not going to have this opportunity because the evil stepmother had imprisoned her, she simply sang. She gave voice to her pain and the deep friends, the rats, opened the window and the prince and his court heard her voice and demanded to see her.

Though, she was fearful that perhaps the prince may turn away from her because of the rags she was forced to wear, she said to herself, that if he loved her, then what she was wearing would not matter to him

This is the supreme release of all shame. The prince sees her, the slipper fits and she is taken to her true kingdom.

I am ending this blog with this last paragraph except to go back to the title of this blog:  WE ALL HAVE A FAIRY GODMOTHER.

I invite you to consider this and find way to connect with  part of you that loves you and is guiding  you right now to take the next step to your deepest dream fulfillment.!










