Today, we will begin with the Solution……………to whatever is ailing you! can you imagine there is such a solution?

First, I would grab a pen and paper and literally answer all of the questions in this blog today.

The solution begins with : identifying your true self


Other names for true self

*authentic self, hero within, Magical Child, Inner Child, Divine within, higher self, Christ within, Wise self, Wise elder,

What other names do you have for this, your true essence?  List three.


Your true self is the place within you  where your soul gifts lie, your dreams, your passions…….Your true self reveals the One you have come here to be


Clues: what have you always been good at your whole life?

For example, even as a toddler, I was always very relational and communicative activities, that is getting others to talk.  I did not talk about myself much, I learned adaptively to be present to others………..for a long time, I only focused on others……….then I realized that I also needed to focus on myself.………in the dysfunction of my family, I brought people together

And now, many people call me the “ communication and relationship expert”.




The true self may or may not have anything to do with your current job or career whatsoever or it may. For some, they often have to express their truest self  in a hobby or in service

For example, the nurse who was really a singer and  then wound up singing in a church choir until she retired and then became the choir director

…………..and it was then that she met what she called her soul mate.

When we connect with our true self; our dreams can then be fulfilled.

Think of one thing that you have been good at your whole life.




When you connect with your true self, good things happen. You will begin to live your live from the inside out rather than co-dependently. You will learn to say YES and to say NO authentically for yourself and not for others.


Other clues:  resonance between what you have worked through and a need in the world.

Other clues:

Where you live, and with  whom you hang out with. However are you hanging out with people whom you feel in harmony with or are you hanging with them for their own benefit. Your Authentic self will know this answer.



Other clues   

Think about times when you felt one with your surroundings, one with others, ………having peak experiences.


When have you been in the flow?  Have had success?


Dreams or passions  that you have always had? Or these dreams and passions may be just lurking below the surface

Some of the dreams  might be:  you  wish you lived by water, or in the Mountains, or you  wish you could be a __________in your job


~~Think of  one time or one period of time or one experience  that was completely  successful for you have experienced

This time would represent a flow of all things working together for good~~


Take your time to really write down YOUR truth in these answers. Not in what others would want you to say or what you think you should say but what YOU have always wanted to say.

See you in the next blog for your next steps………..


