My Blog on Various Topics
Avatar: an embodiment or personification, as of a principle, attitude, or view of life. This AVATAR WORKSHOP WILL EMPOWER YOU TO EMBODY WHO YOU HAVE COME HERE TO BE………( this is not the AVATAR workshop that is internationally known, it is one I created a while ago but have never presented it until now) THE TIME IS NOW TO PRESENT THIS BECAUSE THE WORLD IS CALLING FOR WOMEN TO STEP UP AND BE THE
Where 2 or more are gathered, there is perfect love and oneness
Where 2 or more are gathered… There I am in the midst of them (Mt 18:20) I use this scripture a lot. And of course, as a Unity Minister of over 32 years, I interpret this metaphysically. This means that the scripture is a living, breathing reality within each one of us. In Unity, we talk about the “Christ Within”, and that this scripture can be most clearly experienced by looking at the Christ
We all have a “magic wand” Last month, I suggested that we all have some sort of PTS(d), but, we do not have to endure the effects of this lingering traumatic stress. We live in the land of all possibility: THINK NO LIMITS! ! We all have a Magic Wand. I like to call this “Magic Wand”, our “Inner knowing”. Here is what I write about the Inner Knowing in my book,
Grief to Dreams Workshop coming up!
STUCK? FRUSTRATED THAT YOU ARE NOT MOVING FORWARD? Depressed and not sure why?? *Have you put a dream on the back burner that is cooking away before you even get to believe in it*? (this is tragic) THE LOOSE ENDS OF FROZEN EMOTIONS MAY BE HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE TO THE PAST! We have the ability to deal with challenges, disappointment, loss, grief and the emotional energy they
We all have PTS(d)
We all have PTS(D) Yes, we all have gone through traumatic stress. And if you are reading this and you believe you have not experienced traumatic stress, I invite you to come to my office and let me know how your life is. The reason I put (D) in parentheses is that though, we have all gone through traumatic stress (see definition below), we don’t all have the full-blown disorder. Here is the definition of
A re-post about what to do with your LONGINGS AND DREAMS…..PLEASE READ.
Longings, Dreams, and This now moment Recently one of the bright light teens that I have the pleasure of working with said this: "I need to stay aware or I am risk of slipping into something I can't get out of". Though, this one teen often has amazing bits of wisdom that just fly out of her mouth, this one stayed with me. Over the last 30 years of being a therapist, I often
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!