My Blog on Various Topics
~BEING YOU~ This week, I had three adults tell me that they did not know what I was talking about when I suggested that they needed to really nurture their inner child. The truth is, if one was not nurtured as a child, then of course they would not know how to nurture some imaginary part of themselves that is called an inner child. John Bradshaw (internationally famous author and workshop presenter) was
~A Valentine for you~
A Valentine for you On this day that we typically celebrate love relationships, I invite you to pause this very moment and celebrate you……… All healthy relationships begin with a healthy relationship with ourselves. To the degree that we are able to stand in awe at the miracle of our presence here on earth, to that degree, we can then also stand in awe of our loved one’s presence here on earth. Mark
“GRIEF IS LOVE”, as spoken by Albus Dumbledore
Recently, I saw this as a post on Face Book about grief. “Grief is not something that you complete. But rather you endure. Grief is not a task to finish, and move on, but an element of yourself- An Alteration of your being, a new way of seeing A new definition of self” There was no author but many people (maybe 100) agreed with this post about grief. Seeing this post and then
Reconnecting to your INTUITION…………
“You must meet the outer world With your inner world Or existence will crush you” Mark Nepo: The BOOK OF AWAKENING (Page 32). The best way to meet the outer world with our inner world is by connecting with our deepest Inner Knowing. Our Inner Knowing will always tell us the next step toward safety, connection and manifesting our dreams. ALWAYS! And, of course the question is how do we do this? I
There is a problem in our world today; humans may feel shame and believe they are "less than" others OR, humans feel grandiose and believe they are "better than" others. When one feels shame, they often feel powerless. When one feels grandiose, they often have a false sense of power. When a person feels shame, they often over-function, give themselves away and never feel they can rest and relax. When a person feels grandiose,
Being who you are, part two( see the article on 1-17-16 for part one)
There is a lot of reporting these days about how arrogant Donald Trump, front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination for President is. However, the purpose of this blog is not to have a discussion about the rightness or wrongness of what he says or does. The purpose today is look at what causes this man to speak the way he does. Plain and simple Trump, in much of his speaking, is
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