My Blog on Various Topics
ALL THAT IS ASKED OF YOU: BE WHO YOU ARE There is an amazing curiosity behind the magnetic appeal that Donald Trump is having upon a large number of people in the Republican party. Some believe it is because he is a Washington outsider. Others believe that he speaks the truth in a way that other politicians do not. Other people are literally entranced by his success in business and they erroneously believe
A CALL TO ACTION: If all lives matter, then lets act like it.
A CALL TO ACTION: IF ALL LIVES MATTER, THEN LETS ACT LIKE IT! I saw a post on Face book yesterday that really affected me. The title of the post was: “all lives matter". And of course this is true, AND, the ones whose lives do not seem to matter, the ones who have to protest and stand up are and say: “WE ARE HERE!” Need to protest and stand up because the majority
~The day my sister died and what I did to make sure her death will not be in vain.
The first anniversary of 9/11 was close to the death of my beautiful and aptly named sister, Linda. At that time, I got "The Call," the call we always fear will come and as it came, I realized that at some level, 1 knew it would always come way too early for my sister. "The Call" came as I was doing finishing touches on a 9/11 memorial service I was coordinating at the church
~YOU HAVE ONE CHOICE~ Yes, that is what I said; you have one choice in life in order to not be a victim. The simplest definition of being a victim is to not have a choice. A child that is abused or neglected and is under the age of 18 does not have a choice. I did not make this up, Pia Mellody, world renowned author, workshop presenter, and pioneer in the field
WHAT IS THE BEST RESPONSE TO TERRORISM? I was out of town when the most recent Terror attacks occurred in CA. I heard on the Television that many people had an immediate response that prayer does not work; that we must do more. Actually, there is truth in this statement. I am a Unity Minister of over 30 years and we teach practical Christianity. Prayer in practical Christianity teaches that one must do more
The Shape Shifter that is GRATITUDE
In my early days, when I was below the age of 16, I can say that the main creatures that kept me afloat were my dogs. I had learned to survive by being present to everyone and everything except myself. As I said, it was a survival tactic that I created by using my own soul gifts of deep feeling awareness ( maybe because of my Pisces moon) and an ability to see
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