Blog 2018-01-27T18:50:46-07:00

My Blog on Various Topics

The positive things you see in others reveals something very important about YOU~

By | April 23rd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

~ Moving forward from yesterday's blog( 4/22), the Qualities that you see in others reveals a reflection of your Heroic or Authentic self. Often we have heard that if we see something negative in someone else, it simply is about ourselves. This is not always true. What we see in others reveals something about ourselves for sure but sometimes the negative things we see may reveal an underlying need to be like the person


By | April 22nd, 2015|Categories: Adult, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Parent, SPIRITUALITY|

The world famous Catholic Saint, by the name of St. Francis spoke this eternal truth. Today, I begin a new blog about relationships. Everyday, I will take something from the news and write a short blog( some may be long ;), and every day you will have a bit of wisdom to carry with you all day so that you begin to understand that the truest desire you have for a relationship is valid!


By | March 29th, 2015|Categories: Childrens Therapy, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

We all have a Fairy God Mother I saw the movie, Cinderella yesterday with a dear friend who has often referred to me as Cinderella because of how Cinderella knew how to make her  deepest dreams come true. just by being herself. I am  in the process of allowing my deepest dreams to be fulfilled as well. I have always believed in the magic of my dreams and I have had so many wonderful

and Pete Carroll is a coach? !!

By | February 13th, 2015|Categories: Family Therapy, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized|

RE:  Pete Carroll Hello, I am one of those people that literally only watches one football game a year:  The Super one.  So, this year I was happy to root for the SEAHAWKS since I lived in Seattle twice for a few years. I am writing actually to Pete Carroll today to say  Thank YOU!  wow, as a psychotherapist and a minister, I must say I know how to treat people with love and


By | January 15th, 2015|Categories: Couples Therapy, Family Therapy|

Out of the  fog: FROZEN DELIGHT   Today as I was preparing my horse, Harmony’s winter food, I saw that the fog was so thick that I knew, based on experience from the past that it would be hard to find Harmony’s herd. A thought came to mind that maybe I should just skip today because Harmony would be “fine”. The food I take her is considered extra as she has plenty of hay


By | January 9th, 2015|Categories: Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

JE SUIS CHARLIE MAIS OUT ET JE SUIS VOUS ET VOUS ETES MOI. ( please excuse any typos in my French) This is true and this sentiment has been expressed all over the world. It warmed my heart that the world responded to the senseless killing of these 12 precious souls in Paris by exclaiming that they were also Charlie. What does this truly mean? I believe it expresses the truth that we are

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