My Blog on Various Topics
The ANSWER TO EVERY PROBLEM: SO RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE. The answer to all challenges: Accept that we are all equal to one another, not better than or less than but equal. We humans can't seem to understand this truth. All spiritual leaders have proclaimed this. All wise teachers model this. Parents who are emotionally well show their children this. There are two steps to this process. Find inner oneness which means come to accept all parts of ourselves.
Only looking on the “bright side”, makes the “dark side” grow!
Being aware of only the bright side of events allows the side not looked at to increase its presence, for it is only when we look at the whole of things, that we receive the blessing of ALL of it. I think this is one of the reasons Jesus taught us to resist not. And who is the one that gets to decide which is the bright side and which is the side that
On this 15th anniversary of the death of my sister I want to tell you what I have learned about life, death, and how to prevent other deaths like this.
On this 15th anniversary of the death of my sister I want to tell you what I have learned about life, death, and how to prevent other deaths like this. First, I have had a dual career for over 31 years. I am a psychotherapist and a Unity Minister. Actually, I became a therapist at the age of 2; sounds funny but it is truer than not. My parents, though truly gifted souls
Longings, Dreams, and This now moment Recently one of the bright light teens that I have the pleasure of working with said this: "I need to stay aware or I am risk of slipping into something I can't get out of". Though, this one teen often has amazing bits of wisdom that just fly out of her mouth, this one stayed with me. Over the last 30 years of being a
As the LORAX speaks for the the Trees( Dr. Seuss), I speak today for the OUIS~ ( en Francais: YES!)
As the Lorax speaks for the Trees,( From Dr. Seuss), I speak today for the OUIS! (En Francais: YES) Yes, I speak for the Yes’s that we humans can speak and frequently do not. Neuro-scientists have shown that hearing a YES, actually creates a sense of well-being in a person and hearing a NO, has the opposite effect. Today’s blog is not about the neuroscience behind this however. For more information about this, please
The only place you can be going is here. And when you show up HERE! You can be the star that you are.
The only place you can be going is here. And when you show up HERE! You can be the star that you are. A few months ago, I found myself really feeling the impact of a loss I have been dealing with for a while. In general, I have been doing all that I tell my clients to do when dealing with a loss. I had been moving through the loss in a
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!