My Blog on Various Topics
STUPID? Or in possession of Different Gifts?
Stupid? Or, in possession of different gifts? Lately, I have heard many of the following phrases a lot: ~He is so stupid, he just can’t seem to understand~ ~She is as dumb as a box of rocks~ ~I just can’t work with this person, she has zero intelligence~ When we speak about our fellow humans like this, we are automatically going into a 1-up position. This position is about arrogance and grandiosity.
“Listen, Listen, Listen, to my Heart-Song”
“Listen, Listen, Listen to my HEART-SONG” When I first found Unity 37 years ago, I went to an event that is similar to what they call today, The Dances of Universal Peace. The Definition of this is: “a spiritual practice employing singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world's religions. Their intention is to raise consciousness and promote peace between diverse religions according to one stated goal. They combine chants from many world
~Fake communication~ As a therapist of over 30 years, I have seen many couples in my practice. The first thing I ask both members of a couple is what their goals are for counseling, and 90% of all couples say that communication is their number one goal. Then I tell the couple how real communication happens: Both partners need to be fully present and not doing anything else. Both partners have to be
“I can understand their grief, BUT!!!..”……….is a way to say, I don’t want to hear about your loss.
“I CAN UNDERSTAND THEIR GRIEF,……But” This phrase makes my blood boil. And I heard it numerous times on February 29th on the A.M. news shows by Republicans who loved #45’s speech on February 28th 2017. One Republican leader said: “I can understand their grief” when they were talking about the family of slain Navy Seal, William “Ryan” Owens in the recent raid on Yemen. This leader went on to say: “there was an objective
Stand BY me, NOT ON me…………….
~Stand by me, NOT on me~ If the only way you can be seen is to give yourself away, what good it is to be seen? If the only way you can be “loved”, is to meet all of their needs first, when will it ever be your turn? If the only way to be supported is to let them stand on you, how long can you hold them up before you fall
The Problem with Trumpian Thinking……………
The Problem with Trumpian thinking #45’s biggest flaw is this: He presumes to know what is right for everyone. It is impossible for someone to know what is right for another. This is 100% true for adults no matter what type of relationship they are in be it a coupleship, A CEO with his or her board, a Parenting relationship or the President of the United States when determining how to move forward for
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!