Blog 2018-01-27T18:50:46-07:00

My Blog on Various Topics

Emotional Intelligence for 2017 made easy!

By | January 8th, 2017|Categories: Adult, Childrens Therapy, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Grief Therapy|

Emotional Intelligence for 2017 made easy! Well we have all heard about the importance of Emotional Intelligence! There are now many books written about this very important topic. The challenge is that we are born with the capacity to be emotionally intelligent but we live in a word that teaches us to use our thinking capacity at the exclusion of paying attention to 3 other ways of gaining information. Carl Jung talked about the

Three gifts to give all year round: SEEING, LOVING, GIVING

By | December 23rd, 2016|Categories: Adult, Celebration, Childrens Therapy, Family Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

SEEING: Just be willing to See someone.........Really see them without any filters about how we want to see them but as they are.  We all need to be Seen.  Unaware people will say to me about a child that is acting out; "They just want attention".  And, I say to them: "That is correct, we all NEED attention and if a child is acting out, It is most likely because they have not been


By | December 10th, 2016|Categories: Adult, Family Therapy, Parent, SPIRITUALITY|

RSVP: THE KEY TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS.   There may be nothing as satisfying as being in a conversation with another human who is willing to be totally open, present and vulnerable. In fact neuroscience research shows that we humans are wired to respond to one another on many levels. William Condon did research in the 1960s on what he called “CULTURAL MICRORHYTHMS”. He discovered that: “When two people talk, their volume and pitch fall


By | November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Adult, Celebration, SPIRITUALITY|

~STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE~ And, what the Cubs win might mean for Hillary Clinton It is funny, I use this phrase, “stepping up to the plate”, all the time and I have never been to a baseball game! For me, when I use this phrase, I mean this: We all need to step up to the challenges in the world that we resonate with. We need to step up to the challenges from


By | October 24th, 2016|Categories: Adult, SPIRITUALITY|

Mob Consciousness or living from the lizard brain.   My first experience of mob consciousness was when I was in 8th grade. My mom, sister and I had been through four really rough years. We had been homeless, had lived with relatives that did not want us there, had been forced twice to move and in the moving we did not know where we were going. In essence, food, clothing and shelter were not

Releasing the Past: a 4 step process

By | October 8th, 2016|Categories: Adult, Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Many people say we need to “release the past” and that is a grand idea! What is often missing however is that this grand idea can't be done by just thinking about it. OK small things can be released by just changing one’s mind; however let’s say that one is continually and repeatedly harmed by someone in the same way. I am suggesting that if there is a pattern of being harmed by the

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