Blog 2018-01-27T18:50:46-07:00

My Blog on Various Topics

~Remember who you are~

By | May 27th, 2016|Categories: Adult, Childrens Therapy, Couples Therapy, Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

“You have forgotten who you are, Look inside yourself, you are more that what you have become………..Remember who you are…………” From the movie, The Lion King, as spoken at an ethereal level by the late king, Mufasa, to his son, Simba, who had left the kingdom where he was supposed to be king.   “Their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward and take stock of who we are and what

Wizard Brain vs Lizard Brain and why this matters in the world of politics. Who will win?

By | May 27th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

I saw a post on Face book yesterday that really affected me. The title of the post was: “all lives matter". And of course this is true, AND, the ones whose lives do not seem to matter, the ones who have to protest and stand up are and say: “WE ARE HERE!” Need to protest and stand up because the majority of people have said these groups that are protesting “DO NOT MATTER AS

By | April 27th, 2016|Categories: Adult, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized|

           DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DANCE?   There is something that almost all non-human creatures do and most human creatures do if they want to be in relationship. *Birds do it *Lizards do it *Lions do it Dolphins do it. *Dogs and horses do it very well, and again,   most humans try to do it.   What they do, is IF they want to be in relationship they find

Two Hearts beating as one…………the beginning of World Peace.

By | March 31st, 2016|Categories: Adult, Childrens Therapy, Couples Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Are you LISTENING? Can you HEAR me? If you can HEAR me when I am speaking and not listening to what you are thinking (therefore judging), about me and my situation, then you are listening and: Our HEARTS are beginning to beat with the same rhythm. There is a difference between hearing with our ears and listening with our heart. I am calling the latter “HEARTFUL listening”. When we choose to listen with our

The BIG problem with saying: “NO Problem”……..

By | March 18th, 2016|Categories: Adult|

Have you noticed lately that when you say:  "Thank You" to someone, for almost anything, that the standard response is : "NO PROBLEM"....... EVERY time this happens, it takes me aback. The only response to  " Thank you ", is  " You are welcome", or  "My pleasure", etc. etc. When I say "thank you" to someone for anything, it is a tiny little gift of acknowledgment for this person, and if they can't simply

Saying “Good-Bye” to someone you love is not easy…… not easy.

By | March 14th, 2016|Categories: Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Saying “Good-Bye” to someone you love Is not easy………… The only way: let them go in love but keep for yourself the precious memories of life, the life you shared with your loved one: A part of eternal life and their living legacy.   One of the deepest pains we will ever face is the loss of a loved one. Though it is a fact of life that we will experience a depth of

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