A letter to a MOM whose child is graduating and leaving the next.

Dear Soon to be empty-nesting Mother,                 August 31, 2007


A note of love and blessings to you as you begin this new chapter in your life:  A chapter without the full presence of your child in your every day life.


Please know that I know how much you love your child.  And that is what makes all the difference, not only in their life but in yours as well.  Hopefully as you chart these new waters, the past giving of love, guidance and care to your child will now flow back to you in the form of many miracles.  Miracles of experiencing how one you still are and will always be.  I hold you in my heart and give thanks that you are ever guided by Divine love and this love heals your heart of any sadness and enables you to see your path clearly………


Much love to you and your child; knowing that even as you release the care of the “egg” (from the metaphor in the Penguin movie), to God’s presence within them, you are ever connected to them and in this connection, they will grow, thrive and make their  dreams come true. And in their dreams coming true, they will always know that their happiness and fulfillment is in part “because my mom loved me”.

Love to all mothers whose child is leaving the physical next but never the nest in your heart where you hold them always and forever.





