I have chosen to make the field of Couple’s Counseling, a major area of my study and therefore my expertise.
Communication Troubles with your Partner?
Most couples say communication is their number one issue. You can learn how to communicate effectively, setting good boundaries and speak your truth without attack. Get 50% off your first session with your partner.
Couple’s counseling: Suzanne has extensive experience and training in this field. She is able to help the couple find new ways of communicating, problem solving, discover the real purpose of their marriage and truly find the way to the deepest emotional and spiritual intimacy that a couple can experience which is the “Pearl of great price”.
Suzanne has trained with the best relationship experts in the country: John Gottman, John Bradshaw, John Gray, Terry Real, Pia Mellody, Sharon Wegschieder, Harville Hendrix, Bill O’Hanlon, Maria Nemeth and more. She has created an eclectic syle that will meet you where you are in your relationship and help you heal, deal and Win together.
Relationship Counseling has changed drastically in the last 10 years. Research has shown what makes couples succeed and Suzanne helps the couple find the right researched method.
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!