Grandiosity vs. the Truth

Grandiosity vs. the Truth


In organizations, families, churches and other groups of people across the country, there are three kinds of people:

  1. Grandiose/Arrogant people who believe that their vision is THE correct vision and their actions flow from this arrogance.  These people are known as “one- up”.  They carry a false sense that they are “better- than” those people around them.

Their actions can be seen as “bull-dozing”, completely ignoring those around them.  Hitler is a prime example of these kinds of people


  1. Shame based people carry a false sense of unworthiness and they incorrectly believe they are “less –than” those around them. Shame based people, because of their false sense that they are truly powerless or unworthy often rally around the grandiose people. This rallying behind the grandiose people reinforces the “one –Up” people and gives the grandiose people a false sense of empowerment; they come to believe that what they are doing is the right thing.
  2. The third kind of people are people who have worked through any arrogance or “one-up-ness” or shame or “one-down-ness”.

These kind of people are the ones who are able to stand in their truth no matter what the one-up or one-down people are doing. They stand in their truth and quietly speak their truth even when they are being told to “shut up”. Their actions flow from the sense that they are not better than or less than. They know how to speak their truth and they are willing to listen to the truth of others. They know that when two people are willing to speak and listen to the truth of one another a new world order of Harmony is created.

These people are often mocked and the other two types of people try to get try to get rid of them. Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela are examples of these types of people.


As you see, these types of people, known as “equal to” (as opposed to one up or one down), do change the world.

My question to you is this:

Which one are you?
