Learning to be totally and completely supported by the Universe…………

Are YOU totally and completely supported by the Universe?

There are signs everywhere that say this. Signs on Metaphysical bookstores, signs on church reader boards, book titles reveal this and yet if this is true then why do you not feel supported?

The truth may surprise you. The statement in the title is true. Yet the YOU, you are showing up as may not be your true self. The YOU, you are showing up as may have false or erroneous beliefs that indicate that you are not good enough, or that you have something wrong with you, or that you fail at relationships or that you are not attractive enough or do not possess enough education,………the list of these erroneous beliefs that we carry around goes on and on and on.   And, guess what, the Universe is supporting you at the level  of WHO you believe  you are. And, the way to change your beliefs cannot be done with just a simple intellectual statement that is disguising itself as some spiritual truth.

The truth of who you are is connected to your core and it is reflective of your own TRUTH which is the highest spiritual statement you can ever make about yourself.

Now back to the negative or false beliefs, we carry about ourselves.  We develop these beliefs as children. They are called “adapted beliefs”. That is, we develop them as an adaptation to stress or trauma from our childhoods. When a child is not seen and treated as a precious child that deserves its needs to be met and deserves good parenting skills such as high quality discipline, the child adapts in order to survive and get its needs met at least partially.

The facts are that your parents most likely parented you the very best way that they could. In fact, they, most likely parented you better than they were parented.  They did many wonderful things for you.

And, they still made mistakes. The mistakes caused you to adapt to the stress and the way to adapt to the stress is to create false beliefs about yourself.

The point is, in order to be fully supported by the Universe in a way that makes you feel at peace, is to be willing to deal with these false beliefs, grieve the hundreds of losses they created in your life and then be in touch with who YOU really are. This journey is possible. In fact, it is really the only authentic journey you can be on.

When we do the healing work of releasing these beliefs so that we can connect with and live from the truth of who we are, we are then being supported in accordance with who we really are.

The healing work must take place. If you take the statement in the title of this article and apply it to your false beliefs, you will be supported by the universe at that level. The healing work is painful. It is difficult. But, the pain is really there only because we have been avoiding the feelings around these beliefs. These beliefs caused us to believe there was something wrong with us at the core.

The way to heal the beliefs is to find willingness to feel our feelings.  We need to stop trying to “lay an asphalt” of positivity over our sadness and to feel our sadness. We need to feel our fear and terror rather than becoming “ice cold” and unfeeling. We need to feel our anger rather than living in isolation. We need to stop pretending we are calm when in reality there is a hurricane of anger, sadness, confusion and loneliness under the false veneer of calm. When we are feeling confused it is because we have disconnected from the truth of who we are. Our feelings tell us how we perceive something. And, there is NO ONE but YOU can tell you what you are feeling and how you perceive something.

There is a way to healing and therefore connecting with the Truth of who you are. And, it is first being willing to be honest with yourself about what you are feeling. Then as you feel your feelings, you allow them to guide you to your own truth.  As you connect to YOUR TRUTH as opposed to the TRUTH that others are telling you is yours, you will learn to be who you are at the core. As you do this, you will be on your own authentic journey and you will heal the world by being yourself.
