~Understanding the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown~



In an AP article posted on AOL written by Jonathon Landrum JR, it was said about Bobbi Kristina Brown that she was :

“Born and raised in the shadow of fame and litigation, shattered by the loss of her mother, Bobbi Kristina was overwhelmed by the achievements and demons of others before she could begin to figure out who she was”.

In a simple way, this is the reason for her tragic and untimely death. Bobbi Kristina was never given the space to discover who she was. In fact, she said after her mother’s death that she and her mother were best friends. Unfortunately, this is NEVER what a child needs, that is to be considered a best friend of their parent. A child needs a parent and the parent ideally will see that being a parent is the best role they could ever play for their child. It is the job of the parent to teach the child how to be friends with their peers and the parent should do what is necessary to have their own friends. I think it is to some degree, emotionally incestuous for a parent to call their child their best friend.

So it is in this light that we also see that Bobbi Kristina was not given the space to be who she was if in fact she had to live up to being best friends with her world famous and gifted mother.

In Landrum’s article and as stated in the above quote, “Bobbi Kristina was overwhelmed by the achievements and demons of others”.

We all have inner demons, which I like to call unhealed  loss, trauma and woundedness. These unhealed issues are shoved into the shadow of our consciousness where they lie in waiting to be triggered and rear their ugly heads. So, Bobbi Kristina saw her mother and father’s fame and at the same time, she was subjected to their inner demons or unhealed issues that they  were not dealing with .

It seems that Whitney’s amazing gifts were so vast that she was not able to heal those inner demons and so she handled the disparity of the gifts and the wounds by using medicators such as alcohol and drugs. Again, we all have unhealed issues but perhaps when someone rises to such high levels of fame and fortune as Whitney did, it becomes nearly impossible to deal with these issues because society does not let us.

And, again, Bobbi Kristina was not given the space to even discover her own gifts and the woundedness she took on from her mother and father’s issues kept her from ever really having a chance to simply discover her own gifts. A child needs to be protected from their parent’s woundedness and unhealed issues or they are at risk of absorbing them into their own consciousness.

I could write several articles about the key points in this article and I may but today I ask two things of everyone who reads this article.

First, allow the tragedy of Bobbi Kristina’s death to stimulate your own awareness of what your gifts are and what issues stand in the way of the expression of these gifts.  I lead individual’s and groups in this exploration and I invite you to set up a complimentary call with me to learn more about this process.

Second, let us join in a simple prayer for Bobbi Kristina, knowing that “God is love and into love, her soul has been released; let us pray that as we look upon this tragic death, may we learn how to  protect all children from falling prey to the unhealed issues that all humans have unless they have done their own healing”.
