There is a very large problem in our society. This problem could be at the root of all other problems. This problem is that humans have come to the erroneous belief that we dont have the capacity to heal from loss. The problem begins in childhood when we are told by our very caring caregivers when our heart is breaking because our best friend(our dog) passed away “DONT FEEL BAD, WE WILL GET A NEW DOG TOMORROW”. This does not make us feel better. It simply tells us that we should not feel our feelings and somehow when your heart is breaking because you lost someone very important that you can simply replace the loss. Since we will die without our caretakers, we know we need to accept this sentiment. Then the next time, we face the loss of our best human friend, we are told by another caring person: “DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT, THERE ARE PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA”. Once again, we are told to not feel our feelings and to simply replace the loss.
This erroneous belief that the way to get beyond a loss is to ignore our feelings and to go out and look for replacements stays with us our entire life unless we realize that this simply does not heal our heart from the loss; it simply pushes the pain deep within our being. The pain stays there and it becomes a magnet to draw to it every feeling that stems from loss. And, the very nature of human experience is Loss. Nothing is permanent. So, if we are living with the belief that we cannot heal from loss; that we can simply push it away( which means within ourselves), each human is carrying around a lot of loss and with the losses, a lot of feelings that have been shoved into the shadow of our being.
The losses and the feelings that are part and parcel of the loss enshroud our heart. With each loss that we dont deal with, our essential vitality diminishes, our light becomes dimmer and soon we are living our lives as if we are already dead. At least our dreams are dead. Our dreams spring within our heart and if our hearts are enshrouded with pain, we try to avoid the heart because we have developed the erroneous belief that one cannot heal from big loss; that one can only learn to bear it.
Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hog Warts, the mythical school for young wizards, in the Harry Potter books tells us this: GRIEF IS LOVE. So, the more grief, the more love. Yes, Grief is Love and therefore, grief is of the heart. So, with great courage, which means Heart Strength, we need to go into the heart and unfreeze the grief feelings around our heart. In this process, the feelings are felt, the loss is grieved and we can move forward with a living relationship of the one we lost. When we choose to ignite our courage and deal with the losses, we become stronger and able to discover our dreams that are waiting for us to fulfill.
Now, this may seem like an impossible task. And, in a way it was pretty difficult until John James and Russell Friedman wrote a book called, THE GRIEF RECOVERY HANDBOOK. The book outlines how we can identify and heal from all loss. Yes, I said all loss. They also started The Grief Recovery Insitute in California.
I am certified with them as a Grief Recovery Handbook. Please call me and I will help you identify your next steps in unfreezing your heart. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is YOURSELF.
And, having had the courage to take this journey into our hearts and heal, we have even more love to give to the world and to ourselves.
I guarantee this.