If you Believe and have just one more person believing in you, there is nothing that you cannot do: BELIEVE IT!



As we prepare to leave 2013, I have a question for you?  What dream
is still on the back burner?

What dream have you had for so long that it seems as if it
is   a cloud, that is simply going to blow on
past you?

Here is a prescription for you to do before 2013 ends? First,
write down one or two dreams that 
you know must happen. That is, you know this in your heart
 and mind and soul, despite
any and all appearances otherwise. Do all that you can to
 believe it is possible to make your dream 
come true.**

Then watch the movie, Secretariat. There are two links at the
 beginning of this article that are 
clips of Secretariat's miraculous race to entice
 you to see the movie.
 Whether you rent it, buy it or watch it in another way,
 do this 
before 2013 ends.

Then, go out and find someone whom you know cares about you
 and tell them this:
1. I have a dream I want to come true in 2013
2. I ask you for your support in this manner: 
 "Do not tell me how to make my dream come true
do not tell me it can't be done, simply BELIEVE IN ME. 
That is all I ask you to do"
3. Ask this same person if they also have a dream that
 they want the same support from.

Each week, follow your highest guidance every day;
 taking action on hunches that come to mind. Ideas 
come to us all of the time. We simply choose to ignore them. 
Think of ideas that come to you
as Divine nudgings that you must take seriously. 

Your dream will come true in 2014 if you do these things.

**If you cannot believe in your dreams, then please plan
 to come to a Loss workshop I am facilitating
in January or February. Your inability to believe in your
 dream  simply reflects some work you must do to 
clear out this lack of believe in YOUR dream. 
If YOU cannot believe in your dream, how will
it be able to come true?