I am going to be putting on a meditation on the weekends. This one does talk about God. As a Unity Minister I believe that the presence of the Divine is within all of life; all living creatures. God’s presence is in the rocks, the trees, the flowers and the seas and all creatures, whether of fur, fin, feather or skin.
Let us pause in this moment of prayer and begin with 3 deep breaths…….breathing in the very life of the Divine……and then exhaling and releasing anything that would stand in our way of knowing the Truth.
Our inhalation bathes and renews every cell in our body so we are in this very moment whole and free as God created us to be.
And now let us use our imagination and go into a very sacred place within, moving our consciousness to the Kingdom of Heaven within…….
A place within that is at the core of our being, the home of our soul.
And in this level of consciousness.
Let us bring to mind an awareness of the very presence of God within and all around us………..
The presence of God, sees us as the ONE we have come here to be……..
The presence of God sees our gifts……our spiritual gifts that make each one of us unique…………
The presence of God sees no error, only Truth and beauty.
And the presence of God asks you in this moment of prayer
Are you willing to see yourself as the radiant child of God that you are now, always have been and always will be.?
( repeat question)
If the you are willing, then let allow this willingness to flow over you like a sweet and gentle rain that now eliminates the negative beliefs that you have held…..about yourself.
And in the silence of this holy moment, breathe in and breathe out and be the one you have come here to be: in the silence…….
And let us hear these words as if the presence of the Divine were singing them to us,
How could anyone ever tell you, you are anything less beautiful, how could anyone ever tell you, you are less than whole…..how could anyone ever tell you that your loving is a miracle and how deeply your connected to my soul.
And truly for anyone who has said anything less than the truth, it is because they did not know of their own beauty.
And so let us breathe in the truth of who we are, let us send a loving prayer to anyone who does not know who they are………
And in this moment, we are free.
Free and unlimited……..
Let us deepen our breathing now and be here in this moment.
Touching that place of gratitude within and now joining our hearts, minds and voices and sing Alleluia