My Blog on Various Topics
What is your Fight? ~ Then keep fighting……….It is what you must do NOW~!!
This post in BOLD was taken from a Face Book Post. I am posting it today for 2 reasons. First, Elizabeth Warren has found at least one arena in which she can take her skills, wisdom, talent and expertise and make a difference in the world. I invite all of us to discover our own arena and keep fighting. The world is depending on this. I know that you know what is yours to
This is a song that has been around for a while. A Dear friend used to sing it at the Unity Church of Kent, our first church that we served. The words keep coming to me for some reason. I offer them today.................nothing else necessary to say except that if we all tried to sing this to one another, then perhaps no more Cecils** would be killed for no reason, no more children would
~Understanding the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown~
In an AP article posted on AOL written by Jonathon Landrum JR, it was said about Bobbi Kristina Brown that she was : "Born and raised in the shadow of fame and litigation, shattered by the loss of her mother, Bobbi Kristina was overwhelmed by the achievements and demons of others before she could begin to figure out who she was". In a simple way, this is the reason for her tragic
RSVP: THE KEY TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. There may be nothing as satisfying as being in a conversation with another human who is willing to be totally open, present and vulnerable. In fact neuroscience research shows that we humans are wired to respond to one another on many levels. William Condon did research in the 1960s on what he called “CULTURAL MICRORHYTHMS”. He discovered that: “When two people talk, their volume and pitch fall
What we can and must do about these senseless shootings………
This is a letter I am sending to the Television stations in Denver. If you know of somewhere I could send this to help people deal with these losses, will you please forward it? From: Suzanne Carter, LPC, Grief and Loss expert 2594 W. Crestline Ave Littleton, CO 80120 720-540-6738 To: Denver Television stations July 24, 2015 I am a psychotherapist with specialties in helping children, families, couples and
Learning to Love yourself, part 6 of 6.
Please read the previous 5 blogs to truly understand the essence of this blog. As I conclude this series on Learning to love yourself by meeting your needs in one of five arenas, the focus today is loving ourselves in the social arena. Terry Real, Internationally famous Relationship theorist and author of THE NEW RULES OF MARRIAGE, tells us that relationships are the “Pearl of Great Price”. Further, most of the songs that are
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