Blog 2018-01-27T18:50:46-07:00

My Blog on Various Topics

Learning to love yourself, part 5 of 6

By | July 20th, 2015|Categories: Adult, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized|

I am continuing this series on Learning to Love yourself by meeting your needs in 5 areas. Please see the previous 4 blogs before you read this one. Today, I am talking about loving yourself by meeting your needs in the Physical arena. For some this may be the hardest arena because it means you have to slow and take time for your body. It means that you learn to feed your body nutritious

Learning to Love Yourself Part four of Six.

By | July 15th, 2015|Categories: Adult, SPIRITUALITY|

Please read the previous three blogs to understand the basic ideas presented in this 6 part blog about how we can learn to love ourselves. Today, we are looking at how to love ourselves by meeting our needs in the Intellectual arena. I am talking today about what scholastic dreams you may have. In this arena, we may look at  possible dreams of further education or taking a class or traveling somewhere to learn more

Learning to Love Yourself: part three of 6

By | July 13th, 2015|Categories: Adult, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Grief Therapy, Parent, SPIRITUALITY|

      Learning to love ourselves is an art; and there are behavioral things we can do to truly perfect the art. Please read the previous two blogs to understand where I am going with this. Today I am looking at learning to love yourself by meeting your emotional needs. This can be a difficult area to work in because our society has not placed a high value on this. Instead, our society

Learning to LOVE Yourself……part two of six

By | July 13th, 2015|Categories: Adult, Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Today's blog follows from the previous blog about learning to love yourself. I suggested that we can learn to love ourselves by choosing to love ourselves by meeting our needs. A 3 step formula for learning to love yourself is: 1. Identify your needs 2. Become aware of how these needs could be met 3. Take the action identified in number one.   There are five areas of need that one can look at.

Learning to LOVE Yourself……part one of six

By | July 9th, 2015|Categories: Adult, Childrens Therapy, Parent, SPIRITUALITY|

Lately with all of the major changes, positive changes happening in our world, I have been struck over and over again with a deep sense of love for the people who have been willing to speak their truth. They stand up in front of colleagues, peers, enemies and speak their truth with courage, commitment and deep love for their message.  Sometimes, I am moved to deep tears of JOY and  other times, I marvel

A Meditation on the nature of God within you.

By | July 7th, 2015|Categories: SPIRITUALITY|

As a Unity Minister, we know that the very presence of the Divine is within all of creation. There are different aspects of the Divine which, when understood Sometimes we can think of God as Light within us………..and this light guides us and fills us with knowing……… Sometimes as Life…and this …Divine Life that fills us with health……..   And sometimes as Love……..this kind of Love, Divine Love,  helps us know we are good

If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me.  You can also check out my book!

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