My Blog on Various Topics
WHO you are
As we wrestle with trying to understand the most recent events in the news: the unbelievable tragedy in Charleston, the issues around identity, whether it is racial, cultural or sexual identity and more, there is a key to processing this that will make all the difference for you. This key is to connect with your authentic self. This term is gaining more and more recognition all the time. But what is the authentic self
“There’s Evil in the World”~
~ As I listen to the news coverage on the shooting of 9 innocent people while in a Bible Study in Charleston, SC, I was struck by what one of the citizens of Charleston told her children as they were heading off to Summer Camp. She said, the only explanation is that "there's evil in the world". Tragically, it is easy to say this. And, what this does to children is to make them terribly afraid
The Heart of a horse.
The Whole Picture Hello, my name is Harmony Carter and I am an 1100 pound Thoroughbred, great grand-daughter of the famous Secretariat. However, I never raced. Although I was born into a bloodline of magnificent race horses, my soul mission is something more important than being a horse that humans could watch run. My human owners wanted me to race but I wound up with a knee injury during my training and so
Checklist for Hidden Signs of Anger
CHECKLIST FOR HIDDEN ANGER If we have a national fault, it is hiding our own anger from ourselves. Here is a check list to help you determine if you are hiding anger from yourself. Any of these is usually a sign of hidden, unexpected anger. Procrastination in the completion of imposed tasks at work. Perpetual or habitual sadness. A liking for sadistic or ironic humor. 4.. Sarcasm, cynicism or flippancy in
THE KEY to healthy Communication in all Relationships
RSVP: THE KEY TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. There may be nothing as satisfying as being in a conversation with another human who is willing to be totally open, present and vulnerable. In fact neuroscience research shows that we humans are wired to respond to one another on many levels. William Condon did research in the 1960s on what he called “CULTURAL MICRORHYTHMS”. He discovered that: “When two people talk, their volume and pitch fall
Saying YES to life!
~A REQUEST~ Two requests were made of me. My first thought to each request was that I did not have time to fulfill either of these. After all, I have been so very busy and to fulfill either of the requests would mean that I would have to change my plans. “My Plans” are the key words here. We live in a world in which if we don’t work together. Our planet, our world,
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!