My Blog on Various Topics
A letter to a MOM whose child is graduating and leaving the next.
Dear Soon to be empty-nesting Mother, August 31, 2007 A note of love and blessings to you as you begin this new chapter in your life: A chapter without the full presence of your child in your every day life. Please know that I know how much you love your child. And that is what makes all the difference, not only in their life but in yours as well. Hopefully as you chart these
Growing a family the right way is challenging
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Three Keys to YOUR Happiness
THREE KEYS TO LIFELONG HAPPINESS Everyone says they want to be happy; however it is the rarest person who really wants to take the plunge into........................ Guess where the plunge must be taken in order to be truly happy? Answer: Into oneself It is not complicated, and the steps to true and authentic happiness are not what one would normally think to take. Here are
Communication from the heart without words……….THE BEST!
I have had my wonderful horse, Harmony for 6 years exactly this weekend. She is my first and only horse so far and I say with 100% honesty, I am a different person because of my relationship with Harmony. Horses are amazing creatures. They have learned to live safely in their herds for millions of years and they are a prey animal. That is, they are not a predator. They do not seek to kill
Loving Your loved ones Part 2( see 5-14-15 for part one)
The way that our parents showed us love was by meeting our needs. Some parents may have been an expert at this and were able to meet many or most of our needs, and thus we felt loved. Today, I am suggesting that the way you can show love to your partner or child or neighbor or anyone is to understand a need that they have and find ways to meet this need or
How to LOVE your partner, your child, your neighbor
If you are one of the lucky ones, you felt unconditionally loved by your mother or your father. Or, perhaps you felt even conditionally loved by a grandparent, neighbor or even, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, dog or a horse. My question to you is how did you know someone loved you? Take a reflective pause, even for 30 to 60 seconds and think right now about how you knew or felt they loved you? PAUSE.................. PAWS....................
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!