Blog 2018-01-27T18:50:46-07:00

My Blog on Various Topics

A letter of “Au Revoir” ( in the re-seeing) to Dodie from Harmony and I

By | March 10th, 2014|Categories: Equine Therapy, Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Dear and most precious Dodie,    March 9, 2014   Dodie, you are such a beautiful angel. Your eyes truly tell the truth of who you are.  Your big beautiful brown eyes reveal the princess that you are now, always will be and always have been.  Your beautiful body was so perfect in this lifetime to carry humans and to carry the love that you brought to earth to give away. I want to thank

Grandiosity vs. the Truth

By | February 10th, 2014|Categories: Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Grandiosity vs. the Truth   In organizations, families, churches and other groups of people across the country, there are three kinds of people: Grandiose/Arrogant people who believe that their vision is THE correct vision and their actions flow from this arrogance.  These people are known as “one- up”.  They carry a false sense that they are “better- than” those people around them. Their actions can be seen as “bull-dozing”, completely ignoring those around them.

Addiction and what we can really do about it.

By | February 5th, 2014|Categories: Childrens Therapy, Couples Therapy, Equine Therapy, Family Therapy, Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY|

Addiction and what we can really do about it. My sister died at the age of 45 with the primary cause of death listed as listed alcoholism. She, like so many addicts, had gone to rehab. She like so many addicts expressed a desire to quit but she did not know how. Because of the depth of grief I experienced following her death, I vowed to figure out why rehab did not work Long


By | February 1st, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

RSVP: THE KEY TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. There may be nothing as satisfying as being in a conversation with another human who is willing to be totally open, present and vulnerable. In fact neuroscience research shows that we humans are wired to respond to one another on many levels. William Condon did research in the 1960s on what he called “CULTURAL MICRORHYTHMS”. He discovered that: “When two people talk, their volume and pitch fall into

A letter to sent to Standley Lake High School

By | January 28th, 2014|Categories: Childrens Therapy, Family Therapy, Grief Therapy, Uncategorized|

DEDICATED TO YOUR HAPPINESS, SUZANNE CARTER, L.P.C. From:  Suzanne Carter, M.A., Grief and Loss expert 1890 Gaylord , Denver 80206 720-480-6521      720-540-6738   To:  Standley Lake High School                              January 27 2014   I want to express my condolences for the tragic incident your school experienced on January 27, 2014. I know that many of your staff and students are in shock.   I am a psychotherapist with specialties in helping children, families, couples and

I am who I am…….I can’t be anyone else……Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks

By | January 25th, 2014|Categories: Grief Therapy, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized|

    “I am who I am…….I can’t be anyone else. I wasn't raised to be anyone else.  You have to be who you are.” Richard Sherman, corner- back for the Seattle Sea hawks.   I am truly blessed to have been watching CNN tonight and to have caught this piece on Richard Sherman.   A wonderful CNN journalist was interviewing him because #1 he is a key player  for one of the teams

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