My Blog on Various Topics
What you can do about the terror in the world.
IN the name of SAFETY, Humans do terrible things............. Because of fear.......................... IN THE NAME OF LOVE, ESPECIALLY DIVINE LOVE Humans do terrible things.............Because they are choosing to let the Lizard brain control them(the lizard brain is the old brain, the part that forces us into fight, flight or freeze) Humans do terrible things....................................................................................................... IN THE NAME OF LOVE............................ Humans can choose to do.........THE RIGHT THING........ Humans can choose to operate from ...THE WIZARD
“ BEING FRIENDLY IS ALL WE HAVE NOW” On November 16, I heard a story on NPR that seemed to really provide a next step toward creating global harmony. In this story, a young French woman was describing her experience after a wall of people who were quite frightened on Sunday after hearing a loud noises that sounded like gunfire were running toward her. The NPR correspondent said there must have been a
~If it were easy, you would already by like Jesus or the Buddha~
If it were easy, you would already be like Jesus or the Buddha Are you ready for the ADVANCED teachings? Are you ready to become more spiritually intelligent? Are you ready to take personal responsibility for your life? And for the evolution of our planet? Are you ready to be supported to be the ONE you came here to be? You are invited to be ONE of TWELVE in a “3-Jewels” group beginning
Baby Boomers! Women and Men invited Start your engines for 2016: You are a person who has done deep work. Your true self has shown itself The time is now for you to move beyond what holds you back in your relationships, creativity, work and soul satisfaction in every part of your life. First: attend a one day healing to Wholeness workshop in which you will meet other people who have done work
“Eternity………… the pieces of God unbreaking back together”
The above quote is taken from Mark Nepo's, THE BOOK OF AWAKENING, page 331. Mark Nepo is my main teacher and coach these days although I have had so many. I have been partaking of his words from this book and other books by Mark Nepo for the last 5 years. His words have changed me in all ways. If I could give the world a gift, I would begin by giving this book
~Who am I in a relationship with? ~Who am I not in a relationship with?
Recently, I was told by someone that the reason they have not contacted me or responded to my emails is because they are not in "relationship" with me since I don't attend the luncheons anymore that a larger group that we are a part hosts once a month. This person and I always had a very nice connection( at least I thought and felt!) but when I was forced out of a position because
If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more, feel free to contact me. You can also check out my book!